Monday, January 19, 2009

proud moments

Since 2000, I've been practicing yoga. It's a labor of love, because you have to be really patient with yourself, mentally and physically. You spend your time trying to bend deeper or trying out a new pose that seems next to impossible. And it's just magic when you have a breakthrough, because you've reshaped the way your body can move. Today, I experienced such a breakthrough...
I went to an amazing class with my yoga buddy, Susan, who is all kinds of awesome. During the class, we were doing pretty difficult stretches and binds mixed with hardcore vinyasas. I was having trouble with this particularly tough sitting bind, and the teacher came right over to me and pulled my arm and twisted it behind my leg and around my back and grabbed my other hand and wrapped it around the opposite way until my hands were clasped backwards and behind my whole body. It's not a natural or easy pose and needless to say, I felt really proud. It was a humbling experience, because I never thought I could do a bind like that. And this wonderful teacher just saw that I could, and gave me a hand. And I did it! And it felt amazing, mentally anyway:) Being encouraged and helped by someone who doesn't even know you is a really sweet moment and it reminds you of the good in people.

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