Thursday, August 6, 2009

growing into a respectable lady.

Jen Corace has such a delicate style. Her narratives are stripped down, but still remain rich in mood. I like how she describes isolation by pairing it with activities that usually harbor happy feelings, such as birthday pinatas or paper airplanes. I haven't seen a story told in this lonely of a way before, and it inspires me to use imagery less obviously, like she does so well here.
(Admirer)(Too Soon)Her new work is equally quiet with a hint of melancholy. It as if her younger characters have grown into young women who continue to find themselves in lonely and isolating situations. One detail I love in her new work is how she uses the patterns in the fabric to carry the narrative even further. Whether it's the curtain like draping of the skirt in "Admirer" or the shingle-like pattern in the dress of "Too Soon ", she continues to find subtle ways to tell a story.

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